Databases Containing Information about Care at the University of California

APeX: APeX is UCSF’s electronic health record, which is a version of Epic. In Epic, the electronic record that nurses, pharmacists, doctors, social workers, and others use in clinical operations is called Chronicles. There is also, however, a separate version of that record, called Clarity, that can be queried for research purposes. To assist with this, UCSF has developed a Research Data Browser that allows you to make requests for data or to download files. It does not provide direct access to Clarity, but that can be requested on a custom basis with IRB approval.

APeX links:

1. Access to UCSF Research Data Browser (RDB) and go down to "Getting Access"

2. Access to UCSF RDB Deidentified flat files is the same as RDB - you get both with one request.  For more information on the flat files:

3. Access to UCSF Clarity requires a service request and (usually) IRB authorization because the data contains PHI and some recharge may be required.

4. Access to UCSF Caboodle Data Warehouse is the same as "Access to Clarity" - data contains PHI.

APeX Pro Tip: Note all the items before starting the Research Data Browser request form; these items will make the request form easier to complete.

UC ReX: The University of California Research eXchange (UC ReX) Data Explorer enables UC investigators to identify the size of potential research study cohorts across the five UC medical centers. Researchers can conduct interactive searches from patient care activities at Davis, Irvine, Los Angeles, San Diego and San Francisco. Data are derived from both inpatient and ambulatory care settings and have been de-identified. Demographics, diagnoses, procedure codes (via ICD codes), top 150+ lab orders, and a proof of concept of four medications data sets are available.

UC ReX link:

UC ReX Pro Tip: Searches return cohort counts rather than data sets. To get the data on the patients found, you then have to contact each institution (as of March, 2018).